

如果你对护理充满热情, 注重细节的, 灵活的, 并在快节奏中茁壮成长, 充满挑战的医疗环境, you may consider exploring a career as a surgical nurse.

外科护士, 也叫围手术期护士, are registered nurses (RNs) who specialize in surgical care. They work in hospital surgical departments, 日间手术的单位, or 诊所 或者医生办公室 that perform invasive procedures. 外科护士通常在术前和术后与健康从业人员和技术人员一起工作,在手术前后对患者和家属进行教育.

如果你喜欢医疗保健, 能在压力下工作, pride yourself on offering exceptional patient care, 遵循以下步骤,帮助你为围手术期护理工作做好准备:

  1. Underst和 the specialized role of a surgical nurse
  2. 参加护理学位课程
  3. 成为注册护士
  4. Gain experience 和 get certified (optional)
  5. 从外科护士开始你的职业生涯

1. 了解外科护士的角色


外科护士, also known as perioperative or operating room (OR) nurses, 提供多种服务, 比如在手术室协助外科医生,在手术前提供护理, 在, immediately after surgical 和 diagnostic procedures. There are several different roles surgical nurses may fill. Some roles 和 sample job descriptions are below:

  • 手术助理护士: Selects 和 h和le instruments 和 supplies used for surgeries.
  • 循环的护士: Man年龄s the overall nursing care in the operating room. 确保所有必要的人员、设备和物资随时可用. 
  • 注册护士第一助理(RNFA)协助外科医生控制出血,提供伤口暴露和缝合.
  • 术前护士: Performs the necessary duties to prepare a patient for surgery. This may include collecting vital stats 和 health history, 开始静脉注射, 验证文件, providing emotional support 和 instruction.
  • 术后护理 (也被称为麻醉后护理单位(PACU)护士):在手术后立即接待病人. Monitors for complications as the patient wakes from anesthesia, then coordinates patient transfer or discharge.


外科护士通常在医院工作(包括:住院手术室和流动手术室), 复苏的房间, 内科-外科护理单位), ambulatory surgery centers or day-surgery, 门诊中心, 诊所, 或者医生办公室. 除了, surgical nurses may take on other responsibilities 和 titles, including operating room director or man年龄r, 临床教育家, 和研究人员.


  • 神经外科
  • 心脏手术
  • 移植手术
  • 整形和重建手术
  • 肿瘤学
  • 儿科
  • 耳朵、鼻子和喉咙
  • 创伤
  • 普通外科

2. 参加护理学位课程

成为外科护士, 你通常需要是一名注册护士,拥有副学士或学士学位. 赫京大学提供各种途径,帮助你获得你想要的学位 成为一名注册护士, including current professionals looking to 从外科技师到注册护士.

** - 程序 availability varies by campus. Click through to each program for further detail.


3. 通过NCLEX考试,成为注册护士

Once you have graduated from an accredited college or university, 你有资格参加全国注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN). 一旦你通过了考试并达到了你所在州护理委员会的要求, 你将成为一名注册护士.


4. 得到认证

许多雇主要求额外的教育和培训,成为围手术期护士在术前工作, 术中, 以及术后区域. 这种经验可以从学士学位后的围手术期证书课程或医院和诊所提供的在职课程中获得.

并不是所有的雇主都要求外科护士接受额外的教育和/或认证, but it may help increase your earning potential. Certifications that are currently offered include:

  • CMSRN (Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse)
  • 注册护士第一助理
  • CNOR


Note: Herzing大学 does not offer these certifications.

5. 从外科护士开始你的职业生涯

外科护理是一个快节奏的工作, 令人兴奋的职业,每天为你提供许多机会,让你有所作为. You can assist surgical teams 和 take part in life-saving work, 改善患者预后, educate 和 support patients 和 family members. There are many areas of perioperative nursing you can focus on, 无论你选择哪一个, 你可以享受一份有回报的职业,它提供了职业发展和经济利益的机会.

Aver年龄 Surgical Technologist Salary by State


How much can you make as a surgical nurse?

美国.S. 劳工统计局(美国劳工统计局)不提供外科护士的具体工资估计,但提供注册护士的数据. 根据 美国劳工统计局, the aver年龄 annual salary for registered nurses is $94,480 每年($45.42 每小时).*

Aver年龄 salaries typically do not reflect entry-level positions. Surgical nurse salaries vary depending on your level of education, 多年经验, 雇主, 和位置. 发现 按州划分的注册会计师工资 持有学士学位的护士.

How long does it take to become a surgical nurse?

成为一名护士可能需要 大约2-5年, depending on where you are in your nursing education or career, 你可以转移的学分数, whether you choose a full or part-time schedule.


Surgical or perioperative nurses must be 注重细节的, 自适应, 压力下的冷静, able to juggle multiple priorities with ease. 除了, 技术能力强, the ability to think critically in a fast-paced, 具有挑战性的环境, excellent communication skills are important requirements.

Because of the dynamics in 和 outside of the operating room, it’s important that surgical nurses work well in teams. Compassion 和 emotional stamina are also key traits, 因为外科护士经常与焦虑或痛苦的家庭成员互动.

了解更多关于 是什么造就了一个伟大的护士.

How much does it 成本 to become a surgical nurse?

获得护理学位的费用取决于你选择的学校和课程. Herzing提供了多种途径来帮助你获得护理学位.

Herzing还提供灵活的在线MSN程序,帮助您进一步推进您的护理事业. 在软件下载的许多本科护理课程中,软件下载提供双学分选择,所以如果你将来选择参加MSN课程,你可以节省时间和金钱.

Ready to make an impact in the lives of patients? Start on the path to becoming a surgical nurse today.

Take our quiz to discover what type of nursing is right for you


*美国劳工统计局(美国劳工统计局).S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 美国劳工统计局 estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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